“Golden town”. Sergii Mikhnovskyi. 6/06 – 2/07/2017
An architect by profession the artist Sergiy Mikhnovskyy, best understands the importance and responsibility to preserve the architectural environment. The best examples City Planning we often called a gold heritage. Sergiy invented the city architecture which takes the gold content in the literal sense of the word. All paintings contain fragments with potal gold coating.
History “work with gold” is very old for Mikhnovskyy. In 1999 he had the exhibition called “Gold Mountain”. After that the gold is present in almost every work of Sergiy.
Although the cities of Sergiн Mikhnovskyy almost entirely are fictional, they contain images of buildings in different cities which he visited and was inspired. Polish, Italian, German, Danish, Hungarian towns and of course Ukrainian: Svirzh, Zhovkva and Lviv. A gold content for golden cities! Collected by Mikhnovskyy authentic vintage household items: clock, iron, coffee grinder, scissors, scales, nails and even bricks which were “gold-plated” by artist will also be part of the exhibition.
Presentation of the exhibition and project booklet on June 6 at 17:00.
It will last longer than usual – 4 weeks, until July 2.