Reflection of impressions by Anna Atoyan
Reflection of impressions – the title of the new exhibition by a very popular lvivian artist Anna Atoyan that will take place in the Green Sofa Gallery from the 3d to the 24th of April 2011.
The impressions of Anna Atoyan are obtained from everyday matters, ordinary situations and even things. Any subject can become a cult for her creativity. Anna has been painting stilllives with pomegranates for many years, or a vase with fruit, or a black telephone from the sixties with a pearl necklace. All these things can be seen in her studio.
After the trip to Spain there appeared a pretty statuette of a marmaid-angel that looks like Frida Khalo, a naive crucifiction from Catalunia, a photo of a Mexican Revolutioner Emilian Sapata in her favourite jacket… And consequently the new works of Anna Atoyan “The portrait with Fridas”, “Catalunian Madonna” and the whole series “Favourite jackets”.
The reflection of her Impressions Anna put on the silk using the technique of hot batik.