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‘Carre 50 squares’ – by Sergiy Mikhnovsky

‘Carre 50 squares’ – by Sergiy Mikhnovsky

On the 1st of June the artist Sergiy Mikhnovsky celebrates his 50th birthday. The best way for a real master to mark such an event is to realise creative ambitions. Sergiy is going to open the exhibition “carre 50 squares” on that very day.It is symbolic that he has created 50 canvases of a small size and square shape.

These canvases represent 50 experiments which are at the same time 50 scketches for future huge canvases being at the same time independent works of art. They are like fragments of smalta in mosaics that constitue colourful, various world of Sergiy Mikhnovsky.

Sergiy Mikhnovsky created his own special style, the technique of painting that reminds embroidery of western-european patchwork combined with Ukrainian embroidery. His relationships with colour and form remind us the one of the American pop-art but reveal deep skills of Lvivian art school.

So he is an example of a unique and universal artist.

Serhiy Mikhnovskyy (born 1961) is a contemporary Ukrainian artist (postpop-art, graphic art, installation art, mail art).

Born in Lviv, Western Ukraine, Mikhnovskyy attended Lviv Polytechnic Institute (now National University “Lvivska Politekhnika”), and received his B.F.A in Architecture in 1984. Mikhnovskyy then became a member of National Artists’ Community of Ukraine, member of Ukrainian Artists Club (UAC). He participated in a variety of art exhibitions the geography of which embraces such cities as Lviv, Kyiv (Ukraine), St.Petersburg (Russia), Tallin (Estonia), Warsaw, Krakow (Poland), Manchester, Belgrade, Kassel, Milan, Pisa, Calgary, Edmonton, Seattle, Atlanta, Saragossa, Barcelona, Sao Paulo,Buenos Aires, Osaka, Tokyo, etc. Since 1990 Mikhnovskyy held 24 personal exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad.

Among the most famous are such exhibitions as 20 days of one life, Project, Solo, White Nature, Transit 92-96, Abetka (ABC), Beautiful life…?, Time. Cronicle of XX century.

Mikhnovskyy was a supervisor of such art-projects as Money, money…- first international action of mail-art in Ukraine, 7 by 1 – in remembrance of Andy Warhol, Two in One – tandem painting.

In 2000 Serhiy Mikhnovskyy was awarded with the Lviv Mayor and Gerdan Gallery Award for the best supervisor project of year. In 1997 awarded with the prize for installation at Lviv autumn salon “Vysokyy Zamok”, in 1995 – second award at painting plein air in Krakow.

His works were amound the first to represent Ukraine in the auction Sothebis in Stuttgard in 2007. His paintings are in the museums and private collections of more than 20 countries, as well as in the collection of the Kennedy’s.