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Denis Struk. Solo paintings exhibition. 2015/09/1-20
Denis Struk is a lvivian painter and a master of artistic glass. He was born in Dnipropetrovsk.
He is the one that the gallery may say he belongs here. You can follow his creative path in the Green Sofa Gallery since 2010 live and online, his last solo show took place in 2014.
In his new exhibition we will see absolutely new works that elaborate his previous findings and experiments. There will be «Palimpsests» and lots of magnificently coloured trees. But this time Denis is going to surprise us – he presents his Nude.
Тумани 1, \ Fog 1, 2015, 90x80 sm
Тумани 2 \ Fog 2, 2015, 90x80 sm
Тумани 3 \ Fog 3, 2015, 90x80 sm
Гілля \ Branches 2015, 90x80 sm
У ванні \ In a bath 2015, 90x120 sm
Краєвид із місяцем \ Landscape with the Moon 2015
Квітковий базар \ Flower market 2015
Нетрі \ Slums 2015
Нетрі \ Slums 2015
Нетрі \ Slums 2015
Нетрі \ Slums 2015
Нетрі \ Slums 2015
Оголена \ Nude 2015, 90x120 sm
Палімпсест №23 \ Palimpsest № 23, 2015, 55х110 sm
Палімпсест № 22 \ Palimpsest № 22, 2015, 60x110
Портрет \ Portret 2015, 35x45
Перед грозою \ Before the Storm 2015, 90x90 sm
Сутінки \ Twilight 2015, 90x90 sm
Вода. Ранок \ Water. Morning 2015, 95x100 sm