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“Wall” Roman Bonchuk. Painting. 21/07- 9/08/2015

“Wall” Roman Bonchuk. Painting. 21/07- 9/08/2015

Project “Wall” was conceived quite a long time ago and aquired different forms. Any case should be prolonged in the space according to the principle “slowly-slowly” to avoid unnecessary sweat and craftness. The wall has always been a form of protection and separation.The wall can be mental, sacral, metaphysical, brick, molecular (like our immune system that protects us from viruses) and languagewall etc.A fortress can be considered as a variant of space compromise as an archetype of slowliness cataclisme conflict or war..

.My personal meeting the wall happened two ears ago when I was working in picturesque Crimea inventing “Anatomies of doctor Foros” and understanding that the philosophy of Death was also invented by me (and not by me) is a potion and antidote to surrounding chaos and absurd.

For what i am recreating it – to understand that life is struggle, and when struggle loses sense – it automatically becomes Absurd, and absurd can be fought only with Rebellion, and the best form of Rebellion is, of course – the Wall…

To constantly fight is impossible, our skeleton is not iron and our brain is not neverending although everything can be measured and modified – a person is destructing  itself with its recipes of so-called happiness and unhappiness…

– Selfrealising of Death is the most potent in the developement of individuum or monada – whatever you wish to call…The point is that the final stop

How an absurd person can live in absurd world?The greates question. There are strategies and reflections: to quit search ( to become a taxidriver or a butcher), to kill yourself (it requires willpower), to become an actor ( but not to overact) or a monk (and carry Light and Truth as in the film by Tarkovsky “Nostalgy”- carry a candle, become an angel of truth abd protect it with a sword. And again Kastaneda mentions the wall.

.Let’s build the wall – nothing to be afraid of: the bigger the garbage – the higher the wall. It seems to me that these are the words of Einstein, and later the same said doctor Freid

It is qiet and tranquill behind the wall. The wall is a border and a marker and null vector…and a sourse. The wall. Best regards R.Bonchuk

Biography reference:

Roman Bonchuk was born in 1980 in Ivano-Frankivsk. Was studying painting privately from V.Cherniavsky. In 1999 studied History of Ukrainian literature of XX century in Harward following publication of his short stories “48 rooms of a mantion”

2000 – studied interior design in TransCarpathian State University

He is the author of 20 solo shows in Ivano Frankivsk, Kiev (Art Arsenal, Ra Gallery,Embassy of France, National Union of Artists etc.) and abroad (Germany, Poland, Great Britain, The Library of Harward.

His professional occupations: painting, design