‘The place where I am waiting for you’ by Olga Kwasha
Olga Kwasha have been creating the new 15 canvases for around two years and she is going to present them on the 4th of October in her solo exhibition in the Green Sofa Gallery.
Olga Kwasha depicts city and suburbian landscapes, panoramas and the quiet corners with great warmth. Observing her works you are sure to feel the presence of people despite the fact that they might not be actually there. Here the kids were riding their bikes, and there the shepherds were with their sheep, the grass hides the trases of the lovers…Olga along with her “magic realism” invites us to the place where we can warm our hearts.
“The place where I am waiting for you” is the title of one of her works, is the best signature for all the exhibition. The artist is waiting for you to visit her third personal exhibition in the Green Sofa that will be on from 4th till 23rd of October.