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Roman Romanishyn “Vertep” 3-22 of February 2015
I bitterly announce- this world's a Vertep
and being as you are
is hardest ever task...
Grytsko Chubay
It all started in the childhood when at Christmas we took out the figures of Holy Nativity scenes which were kept in the chest…we again learnt our lines, our roles to adopt a short Vertep play to new reality….the characters changed, their words aquired new meanings and we tried to enter the same river twice…
Roman Romanyshyn – one of the most outstanding artists draughtsmen. He is presenting his solo exhibition in the Green Sofa Gallery for a first time. His thematic project “Vertep” is a world premiere! We are also proud to present the series “12 months” and “Planetarium”
Apart from the graphics Roman Romanyshyn demonstrates the beginning of a new series of kinetic and static objects ( painting on wood) named “Endlessness’. Characters-objects also comprise the composition “Vertep’
a series of VERTEP
levcas, wood, polychrome
a series of PLANETARIUM - The Moon.
color etching
a series of PLANETARIUM - Neptune.
color etching
a series of PLANETARIUM - Sun.
color etching
a series of PLANETARIUM - Venus.
color etching
a series of PLANETARIUM - Mars.
color etching
a series of ZODIACAL CIRCLE.
color etching
a series of ZODIACAL CIRCLE.
color etching
a series of ZODIACAL CIRCLE.
color etching
a series of ZODIACAL CIRCLE.
color etching
a series of ZODIACAL CIRCLE.
color etching
a series of ZODIACAL CIRCLE.
color etching
ethno series 12 MOUNTHS - January.
color etching
ethno series 12 MOUNTHS - February.
color etching
ethno series 12 MOUNTHS - March.
color etching
ethno series 12 MOUNTHS - April.
color etching
ethno series 12 MOUNTHS - May.
color etching
ethno series 12 MOUNTHS - Juny.
color etching
ethno series 12 MOUNTHS - July.
color etching
ethno series 12 MOUNTHS - August.
color etching
ethno series 12 MOUNTHS - September.
color etching
ethno series 12 MOUNTHS - October.
color etching
ethno series 12 MOUNTHS - November.
color etching
ethno series 12 MOUNTHS - December.
color etching
a series of VERTEP - Personage of the stone heart (Herod). levcas, wood, polychrome
a series of VERTEP - Trieux king. King І. levcas, wood, polychrome
a series of VERTEP - Cossack - distinctive.
levcas, wood, polychrome
a series of VERTEP - Servicemen.
levcas, wood, polychrome
a series of VERTEP - Swain.
levcas, wood, polychrome
The Way.
levcas, wood, polychrome
The Way.
levcas, wood, polychrome
(Українська) Карл і Клара karluklaryukravkoraliaklaraukralaukarlaklar.net. кольоровий офорт
(Українська) Карл і Клара karluklaryukravkoraliaklaraukralaukarlaklar.net. кольоровий офорт
Cuckoo Clock.
levcas, wood, polychrome.