“Squaring of colour” by Alla Simutina, Yulia Pletinka and Dina Turuk. Photography. 02/26 – 03/17 2013
As in the times when the colour photograph was invented, the debates as to what is better for art – black-and-white or colour still go on. The same happens between the supporters and opponents of high technology. The impossibility of solution resembles the impossibility of solving mathematical puzzle – the square of circle. Maybe that is why the artists named their exhibition the squaring of colour. Because even it is impossible to evaluate but still it is possible to see with your own eyes when the camera becomes the extention of the eyes of the photographer and reflects not only the outer shell of objects and the world but also their inner mood and emotions, colour and light, the impressions of the author and even such irrational phenomenon as the nature of art itself. And the innovative technologies just help to intensify the effect. Digital photography has equaled with the analogue one in its importance as well as colourful and black-and-white photos.
Alla Simutina
Live and wark in Lviv. Graduated Culture Institute of Saint – Petersburg.
She is engaged in photography from 2006.
Personal exhibition: Personal exhibition of photoartist Alla Simutina “Lviv a place of residence” 2008 Green Sofa Gallery, Equilibrium” 2009 Кyiv, Gryfon Gallery, he exhibition of Alla Simutina “Returning from Paris” Green Sofa Gallery 2010 .
Dina Turuk
was born in Lviv. Graduated Lvivs Polytechnic Institute. She is Architect .
She took part in Group exhibition and competition in Lviv. Won 1-th prise.
Yuliya Pletinka
Was born in 1981.
2007 – 2 month courses of photography of V. Dubas in Lviv.
2009 – took part in exhibition of photographers – amateurs in Vasyl Pylypyuk Gallery `Light and shadows`.
2012 – took part on final competition exhibition SNAC – Social Network Art Competition ( Ukraine) wiht Art People Gallery.
January 2013 – publication in Art Photo Feature Magazine (Hon Kong)
February 2013 – took part on final competition exhibition SNAC – Social Network Art Competition ( L A , USA) in Art People Gallery.
april 2013. – took part on final exhibition in Art People Gallery (San Francisko, USA)