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Volodymyr Patyk

Volodymyr Patyk

 Volodymyr Patyk (1929) –is a classic and creator of the history of art, an honoured artist of Ukraine, a holder of a shevchenko’s premium. A titanic and legendary person who formed progressive artistic and national mentality in times of totalitarism. “He has been a visit card of a Galician painting for more than 50 years”…

Lviv – city that took part in artistic shaping of an artist, a city that presented him with teachers that studied in Paris and Krakov. Among them there were R.Selskiy, V.Monastyrsky, Y.Bokshay, M.Fediyk, O.Lishchynskiy.

The author says: “I have used more than 500 kilogrammes of paint,1875 metres of canvas and 1500 tonnes of paper for my creative life… Now I live with full taste of life, love and dreams… and I refuse to admit the passeport age.”
Participation in exhibitions

2009-—-Exhibition of brand new works, “Green sofa” gallery, Lviv.

2011-—-Exhibition “Once upon a time in Ukraine”, “Green sofa” gallery, Lviv.